Sunday, August 26, 2007

Babies Galore!

My circle of family and friends is experiencing a baby boom right now. Since March, there have been 4 babies born and my sister-in-law is expecting any hour (literally...she's a week past her due date). And there's still 2 more babies to arrive later on! This "baby boom" count does not even include the women within my Stampin' UP circle who've recently had little ones arrive.
I am One Happy Stamping Lady from all this! My baby stamps sat neglected for so long and I was wondering if I'd ever get to use them before my grandkiddos arrived (ok, I'm exaggerating there, but my point...)
What's even more wonderful about all this is that almost everyone has had a boy (there's been just one girl, to be specific). So not only have I been able to bust out the baby stamps, I've been able to stamp blues and greens! (I have 3 girls so I'm drowning in a million variations of pink and purple).
For those new arrival gifts, I've been creating thank you cards with matching envelopes. I used these pre-scored notecards and envelopes.
I've been just giddy at my craft table, giggling gleefully as I stamp blue polka-dot backgrounds and blue giraffes and - hey!- a green elephant! I pulled out a pack of baby-themed patterned paper I've had for several years and punched up the blue sheets. And I'm not done since there are more babies to come!
If you know of any little ones soon to arrive, consider stamping a gift for the baby and mom-to-be. Or just stamp a gift card holder or tag to wrap around a soft fleece blanket.
Speaking of babies, I've been getting lots of leftover packaging from baby-related items from a good friend. I plan to put it all to good use and once I do, I'll showcase here what I've made, so stay tuned!
Now go create!
- Nicole

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